Hubby made waffles this morning! He had some leftover discard from the sourdough starter, and he decided to make waffles with it. They came out really good. No photo, we scarfed them down too quickly.
He’s really surprising me lately - he’s always been a pretty good cook, but he refused to bake for a long time because he never measures anything and doesn’t tend to follow recipes. Now, he’s busy making bread and taking about the sourdough’s hydration and bulk ferments and poolish and so on - never thought I’d see the day!
Partway through breakfast he very sheepishly confessed that he’d measured the ingredients for the waffles by volume instead of weight 😱. And then he told me not to tell anyone, so naturally, here I am telling the entire internet! 😁
(I did tell him I was going to post this and he laughed and said it was ok)