What did you cook or eat today (September 2020)?

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Do you ever eat them with Jam and Birds custard ? They are a marvelous finger food vehicle. York Au Vents have in Mrs Blanks eyes one massive advantage, no crumbs on the carpet like the humble Vol.

I can't remember ever eating them with other than gravy.
Yorky with ice cream and golden syrup. One of my top ten fillings.

I used MypinchofItaly's recipe she posted earlier.

This is perfect for a weeknight - very fast, quite easy to do, and exceedingly satisfying. This is one that I'm sure I could effortlessly recreate without a recipe.

Seasoned breadcrumbs...why don't I use these more often? I always think pasta = grated cheese, but I certainly think the breadcrumbs are just as good.

Wonderful meal, thanks MyPinch! :okay:

Oh you made it! 😃
I’m so chuffed you liked it, and yes, grated cheese on pasta seems to be the only option, yet breadcrumbs (toasted) it’s a nice alternative. Funny enough, actually breadcrumbs on pasta has always been the only alternative many years ago when people cannot get cheese and also it’s very used in Sicilian and Apulian cuisine.

Thank you again for the feedback TastyReuben, it means a lot for me 😊
Bouillabaisse with harvested veggies for supper. My husband caught a small pike on the weekend (while I was shoveling the potatoes). I bought some lake trout and canned crab tails to accompany. I followed the recipe of a local women's magazine (with modifications) because I'm not that familiar with making tomato based fish soup. A bit too much saffron to my taste, otherwise fine. The taste of saffron vaguely resembles juniper berries... Hmm, what if I change 0,5 g of saffron into a small handful of juniper berries :D? Just kidding.

indianwells I love tortilla, cooked so many in my teens that I got tired, not to mention how many got lost due to inadequate flipping over :D But yours looks amazing!
The taste of saffron vaguely resembles juniper berries...

I think they are different but maybe overlap slightly in flavour. I thinking about combining them in something but that is an idea at embryonic recipe development stage at the moment.


It looks gorgeous.
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