What did you cook today (November 2016)?

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The only difference between your roti and our flour tortilla is the ratio of fat and water.
Roll your roti a bit thinner and you will have an excellent tortilla.

Unfortunately my rotis come in a plastic bag. I've never had any real success at any form of bread making or baking.
Another Yorkshire staple dish. Fish and chips (again). Eyup it were reet grand!

50mm prime; 1/125; f11; ISO 400; ceiling bounced flash from 3 o'clock [Edit - sorry, 9 o'clock (I must have been speaking Ozzy)].

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I have cooked nothing. We did go to the grocery store this morning and stocked up. Freezing right now is 6 bags of ham for beans. 3 small hams and several little ham steaks. Also a roast and 8 packages of ground beef. In the refrigerator is a whole chicken, 6 chicken breasts (they will be grilled) an eye of round roast to turn into filets and a pork tenderloin to be cut into pork chops.
We also picked up red potatoes and white potatoes, bell peppers, pablano peppers, jalapeños, fresh baby carrots, sweet potatoes and cabbage.
In the tinned section, sweet peas, 2 different cuts of green beans and canned carrots. Also a jar of sauerkraut.
Oh and 6 lbs of bacon ends and pieces.
Last night was Butternut Squash and potato salad served with mixed raw veg and mixed herbs & leaves with dill senap and hummus as dips. I need to write up the recipe next. It was very loosely based on my Potato and Red Grape Salad (known here as potato salad) only it was made with coconut yoghurt, lime juice, fresh parsley and coriander

Corned beef with mashed potatoes, sprouts and a white sauce with mustard and parsley.


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Last night was Butternut Squash and potato salad served with mixed raw veg and mixed herbs & leaves with dill senap and hummus as dips. I need to write up the recipe next. It was very loosely based on my Potato and Red Grape Salad (known here as potato salad) only it was made with coconut yoghurt, lime juice, fresh parsley and coriander

Nice one!
Corned beef with mashed potatoes, sprouts and a white sauce with mustard and parsley.
I'm writing up some instructions for the media button, but if you are comfortable with computers etc, you should find it quite easy. It's best using it from the word go and around yourself up some albums. I can look at categories (and admin thing) if anyone thinks they would be useful, but you can add photos to the media button and then link them to any post workout having to upload them again. It also allows better descriptions and for people to rate them as well m if you are interested.

lunch today... more a what did you prepare or have eaten than cooked, unless you count abandoning asparagus in a bowl of boiling water for 10 mins whilst doing something else?

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