What did you eat/cook today (February 2017)?

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That is a new one for me (the bread pudding made from donuts). Are we talking the same thing here in terms of donuts (doughnuts)? I'm thinking deep fried and covered in sugar. Like this:

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I used cake doughnuts not jelly filled so I am betting they were baked.
Needless to say, I didn't use much sugar in the pudding.
Bacon sarnie.

The making of...


The destruction of (that and the tee shirt).
5 s.jpg
Braised mince tonight with potatoes, onion and fresh tomato, followed by white grapes.

P.S. The mince was the leftover meat after the mutt had had his share but mine was cooked :D
I like the idea of wrapping bacon around the pork loin, but Mr K doesn't like anything sweet with a savoury dish.
You just confused me. How is bacon sweet?
I get the maple flavored ones are or you can make millionaire candy but bacon is a meat not a sweet.
Millionaire candy, thick sliced bacon covered in brown sugar and a sprinkling of cayenne pepper then baked until candied.
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