What did you eat/cook today (January 2017)?

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Had to bale to Ikea's restaurant today because I was collecting my husband from the airport with a 6:30pm landing. luckily he has no bags and Canberra's not exactly a busy airport but it still mucks up evening meal times what with an hours drive home etc. so veggie balls and veg couscous with bread and chips and senap for our evening meal tonight...
Beans, sausage, eggs on toast......

beanssausageegg os s.jpg
So far I have failed to come up with an even vaguely satisfactory photo of my lunch and evening meal for several nights to come. I'm thinking of adding something yellow to it, maybe yellow pepper or sweetcorn. I haven't decided yet.

But here is my 2 rice salad with borlotti beans (of a colour in still adjusting to) with a lemon, lime and sweet red miso salad dressing. included are white onions, spring onions, pomegranate seeds, sunflower seeds, red and green peppers along with brown medium grain rice and black rice.

It's not going outside, neither am I, for a better photo in case it blows away or is hit by falling debris. it's getting rather wild out there again.


I'll serve it with a poached egg or two each tonight and maybe some avocado because it's rather ripe and ready to eat (and smooth, tasty and very creamy unlike the ones in the UK!)
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