Quite normal to me.It did taste delicious.
... oh and very very simple to make. No ice cream machine needed.
Is that something you order at Starbuck's with your Iced, Half Caff, Ristretto, Venti, 4-Pump, Cinnamon, Dolce Soy Skinny Latte?
Quite normal to me.It did taste delicious.
... oh and very very simple to make. No ice cream machine needed.
Is that something you order at Starbuck's with your Iced, Half Caff, Ristretto, Venti, 4-Pump, Cinnamon, Dolce Soy Skinny Latte?
Omelette batter ?
Omelette batter ?
Well, just the egg mix you make before you make an omelette.Don't know what omelet batter is, so I'd give that a no.
Is it that stuff you call 'gravy' - the sort you put on what you call 'biscuits'?
Queso/ cheese dip?No.
Okay, a hint: It is an appetizer/snack food.
Queso/ cheese dip?