What made you smile recently (2023)?

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My wife does this all the time.

"Do you need to use the toilet, because I need to clean the bathrooms?"


Two hours later, she starts cleaning the bathrooms and by then I needed to go to the toilet.

"You said you didn't need to use the toilet!"


It wasn't that long ago that a mate and I had taken a village newcomer to the pub on a Friday evening. He got completely fishcaked and we virtually had to carry him home. Not wanting to incur the wrath of his wife (who we had never met) we propped him up at the side of his front door, rang the bell, and ran away.
It wasn't that long ago that a mate and I had taken a village newcomer to the pub on a Friday evening. He got completely fishcaked and we virtually had to carry him home. Not wanting to incur the wrath of his wife (who we had never met) we propped him up at the side of his front door, rang the bell, and ran away.

Funnily enough, the previous occupant and owner of the house in question, we had also taken to the pub on the Friday evening before he left to work in Germany for 12 months. He also was ratarsed when we accompanied him home and was daft enough to invite us in. His wife, who we did know, was ironing clothes to pack for their trip.

He duly poured whisky for the three of us (his wife didn't get any) and then sat down and "fell asleep". Ten minutes later when our two glasses were empty, we were in a dilemma. Do we wake him and ask for a top up; do we pour a top up ourselves (the bottle was on the table); do we ask his wife to pour us a top up; or do we just be thankful for what we'd had and leave.

We decided sensibly upon the latter option, said our goodnights and buggered off to my place for a night cap.
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