OK, tenth time is a certainty, lets do it.
Wow, I can't keep up. The last vote failure I saw was number seven.

OK, tenth time is a certainty, lets do it.
I think we are at 11 per ABC evening news now and still no speaker. I busted out laughing. It's hilariously embarassing for the House Republicans and the party as a whole, but sad and horrific that our government is essentially at a standstill until they can get out of their own behinds, and i would have rather used the word that starts with an A...
Did anybody hear the vote for The Orange One? Apparently you don't have to be a congress person to be speaker. Am I the only one who believes it is ABSOLUTELY OUTRAGEOUS that 218 people can name a 2nd in succession for US President that hasn't been elected by at least some American citizens?
11 down and counting. Now we´re into record-breaking attempts at stubborness.Did anybody hear the vote for The Orange One? Apparently you don't have to be a congress person to be speaker.
And since anyone can be Speaker there´s a balding, ginger-haired whiner out there who might fit the bill. The Duke of Sussex.
.... and they're off again.One funny thing about this is that one of the group of twenty Republican Party House members blocking McCarthy's speakership is Florida's own Matt Gaetz who is being investigated for sex-trafficking of a minor. I guess he figures he hasn't made enough enemies, yet.
As Mark Twain said, "Truth is stranger than fiction."
.... and they're off again.
The thing about Gaetz and his crew is they claim they are doing this for democracy... forgetting that McCarthy was chosen by the Republican party Representatives in a secret ballot to be the nominee. A process that was entirely democratic and fair.
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Don't forget the William doll that is emotionally repressed, will not respond to anything and is just waiting for its father to die.There are unconfirmed rumours that the Sussexes have struck a deal with Mattel to create the "Harry Doll". The doll comes with its own pram, toys and necklace. The four special features are:
Say the words "WILLIAM&KATE" , and the doll sobs uncontrollably, throws its toys out of the pram and rips its necklace.
Say the word "ROGER" and the doll will jump out of the pram and have wild sex with the nearest 40 yr old.
Say the word "SNIFF" and the doll with light up a spliff and snort cocaine.
Say the word "AFGHANISTAN" and the doll will beat all those in close proximity to death with its teddy bear.
Looking forward to acquiring mine!!
Actually, I think we could do some wonderful business with British Dolls... just think. A Boris Doll, a Truss Doll, (autodestructs after 2 days) a Sturgeon Doll, a Corbyn Doll, even a Keir Doll (put you to sleep in 5 minutes) .... the mind bogglesDon't forget the William doll that is emotionally repressed, will not respond to anything and is just waiting for its father to die.