I’d want to be there when it’s 24-hour darkness! No, really!it was 24hr daylight

I’d love that. I’m always complaining when we come to the UK and take a train somewhere - I want it to be the old-style wood-and-leather cabins, and everything is plastic and fabric now, even first class.But it was kitted out in fantastic luxury in true 1960's style.

We were on a Christmas markets river cruise (Danube) in 2010, and for the most part, it was always cold, but bright and clear, except for one day. One full day, in Austria, it was extremely cold, windy, overcast, and alternating between rain, sleet, and snow.I'd been there for quite some time by myself when the captain came out to chat to me offering me a hot cup of coffee or tea!
As I’ve established, that stuff doesn’t bother me any, so I was up on the top deck, the sun deck, so I could catch glimpses of this and that, and to just enjoy the sharpness of the weather, and I was the only one up there, except for the captain in his little hut, and someone else, and one or two deckhands wandering around.
After a while, I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around to find the captain standing there with a cup of tea for me.
“You must be a sailor or crazy, so either way, you can have this.” - and that was all he said, he walked back to his little spot inside.