I know your dad was a top executive and you prolly grew up with all that stuff.
We were at the opposite end of the spectrum to you. 3 boys in one room. TV didn't arrive until late 60s. Then it was black and white. Prolly supplied by my grandparents? I'm certain they contributed a lot. My parents split when I was 4. My best friend growing up was prolly like you. His father worked for himself ( sparky) and gary had everything.
I always saw the difference. I grew up wanting my kids to have stuff I never had.
We didnt have a car until 73? And then it was a sidevalve morris minor.
I wouldn't change anything.
Dad didn't hit the big time until I was out of college and living on my own dime. But, he did have a good job, and we lived a normal middle-class life. Our house is still there. Here is a GoogleMaps Streetview picture of it. Not a mansion, by any means.