What made you smile recently (2024)?

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'T was a while ago, but I forgot to post, I had good laughs with all sorts of bloopers a language teacher shared on yt.
One that I remembered was:
The description is in the link box...

Which she actually wanted in the reverse order, but it still makes sense.😊
You know you're getting old when someone comments on your beautiful alligator shoes... and you're barefoot.
You know when you're old when you go the the hospital for a blood transfusion and they tell you thay type has been discontinued.
That reminds me of a joke that goes something like,

Husband: “Honey, pull your nylons up.”
Wife: “I’m not wearing any!”
Met an old school buddy in the pub the other day.
He'd gone off the straight and narrow: petty theft, shoplifting and finally burglary. 3 or 4 successes, then he got put inside for 2 years. Just got out.
So I said to him:
"What have you been up to ,then, since you got out?"
"Ooooh,", he said, "I've gone back to my old ways, no-one wants to employ a felon. I broke into this place last night and got two amazing pictures! One's worth $2,000,000 and the other's worth $1,750,000!!! I've got them in the boot of the car! Wanna look?"
So we went to his car and he opened the boot/trunk.
I said:
" you just robbed a Real Estate agent..."
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