What made you smile recently (2024)?

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Some of you folks with more life experience could let me know, is this really how people used to dance?! :laugh:
View: https://x.com/Scottcrates/status/1755740871402852782?s=20
This might be how I used to dance at the appropriate time. At a 'We've Got A Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It' gig, I may have mistakenly worn a rather nice watch that I last saw glinting in the stage lights as it flew across the crowd. I returned minus one birthday present, but plus many bruises and a stonking hangover.

Good times.

View: https://youtu.be/GKoozg5nS-k?si=B9IuywqJWPlicTJD
..and I might add, once I got to know some Latin Americans, I realised something about the British.
We've got no idea how to dance.
Latin Americans, however, can dance until dawn; and I mean, really, dance.
The only dance I can manage (without getting a rupture) is this one, the "Merengue":
Venezuelans dancing Merengue
I’ll admit that it’s one of my weaknesses…I love watching people dance.

I don’t generally mean the choreographed ballroom stuff, though; just everyday people freestylin’ - when I’m at home and MrsT is out, I like to put on episodes of Soul Train and just sit back and enjoy. It’s very soothing.
I’ll admit that it’s one of my weaknesses…I love watching people dance.

I don’t generally mean the choreographed ballroom stuff, though; just everyday people freestylin’ - when I’m at home and MrsT is out, I like to put on episodes of Soul Train and just sit back and enjoy. It’s very soothing.
Try watching it with the sound off. A completely different experience.
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