What made you smile recently?

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Is this your schoolclass? An only boys school?

Yes. Junior school. After 6 years old the classes were split into boys and girls.

The best examples of Texas Twang are Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2lggQ-3MQg

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_RQ9muJUfo

Matthew I totally understand all he says, which is good,he gives it some exageration now and then, it gets more real then I assume...Woody only says a few words, but the Hell yeah sounds as expected...I should see the whole movie...fun!
So it is not a slang but a Twang? Cool. Texas Twang.
Matthew I totally understand all he says, which is good,he gives it some exageration now and then, it gets more real then I assume...Woody only says a few words, but the Hell yeah sounds as expected...I should see the whole movie...fun!
So it is not a slang but a Twang? Cool. Texas Twang.

Yes, the Texas accent is called the Texas Twang. I was born in New Jersey, but have lived most of my life in Texas. I can put on a solid Texas Twang when I'm around the right people. It helps a lot when dealing with my customers in the South. They trust a man with that accent over a man with a "Yankee" accent. When I am dealing with customers in NYC, or California, I lose the accent. People in NYC hear the Texas Twang, and they deduct 20 IQ points, at least.

Yes, the Texas accent is called the Texas Twang. I was born in New Jersey, but have lived most of my life in Texas. I can put on a solid Texas Twang when I'm around the right people. It helps a lot when dealing with my customers in the South. They trust a man with that accent over a man with a "Yankee" accent. When I am dealing with customers in NYC, or California, I lose the accent. People in NYC hear the Texas Twang, and they deduct 20 IQ points, at least.

That is so interesting! It does affect so much in life. It is of advantage to be as accent flexible as you are. LoL...to the Nyc perspective...

Mike Ritland was born in Iowa, but lives in Texas, I just heard a short clip of his to check if there is Twang...I wouldn't say so...at least not much...

What do you think?
Yes, the Texas accent is called the Texas Twang. I was born in New Jersey, but have lived most of my life in Texas. I can put on a solid Texas Twang when I'm around the right people. It helps a lot when dealing with my customers in the South. They trust a man with that accent over a man with a "Yankee" accent. When I am dealing with customers in NYC, or California, I lose the accent. People in NYC hear the Texas Twang, and they deduct 20 IQ points, at least.

View: https://youtu.be/-PIZHfzmW9I
That is so interesting! It does affect so much in life. It is of advantage to be as accent flexible as you are. LoL...to the Nyc perspective...

Mike Ritland was born in Iowa, but lives in Texas, I just heard a short clip of his to check if there is Twang...I wouldn't say so...at least not much...

What do you think?

I had never heard of Mike Ritland, so I had to go and listen to him on YouTube. No, he does not have a Texas accent.

You are wearing <GASP> olive drab? :ohmy:

I actually loved wearing fatigues, because they were comfortable, but could be tailored and pressed to look sharp (which is, I know, completely contrary to what was supposed to be a uniform designed for manual labor).

In about...1988?...they started phasing out fatigues, replaced with the pajama-like BDUs (Battle Dress Uniform). I hated those baggy things, and camouflage is the last thing I ever wanted to wear.

Most of the time, being that I had an inside office job, I wore some variation of my blues.

And since we're talking uniforms, that last pic, I was in my mess dress, the equivalent of a tuxedo. I still own it. :)
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