Apologies in advance to
medtran49 and
CraigC, as this doesn't reflect them (or other residents on this forum from the great state of Florida). There's a sort of game you can play where you enter this into a search engine:
Florida man (your birthday)
For example, I did this search:
Florida man October 6
And I came up with this:
Florida Man interrupts Hurricane Matthew live TV report to yell ‘D***s out for Harambe’.
NOTE: it's unlikely that your actual birthdate (with the year) will turn up anything, since I doubt there would be records of news stories (at least of crazy new stories) from 58 years ago (in my case).
They've gotten really organized lately, as I see that the above link is in a new site called ifloridaman.com.
Now I wish I had been born a day later; the things that men in Florida did on October 7th are much more interesting:
Florida Man Arrested for Allegedly Breaking Into a House and Trying on Baby Clothes While Holding a Woman Hostage
Florida man accused of pouring beer in gator's mouth after enticing reptile to bite his arm