What made you smile recently?

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One of our first set of pugs was a very nosy little girl. She once stuck her head into daddy's empty 12-pack box. Unfortunately, that big head was able to push in the hole into the box, but pulling out was a different matter. She went running thru the house banging the box into things, people and other pugs until DD was able to finally catch her and get the box off. That took a few minutes because DD and I needed to pick our selves off the floor since we were ROFLOAs off. She was smart enough never to do that again though.
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Apologies in advance to medtran49 and CraigC, as this doesn't reflect them (or other residents on this forum from the great state of Florida). There's a sort of game you can play where you enter this into a search engine:

Florida man (your birthday)

For example, I did this search:

Florida man October 6

And I came up with this:

Florida Man interrupts Hurricane Matthew live TV report to yell ‘D***s out for Harambe’.

NOTE: it's unlikely that your actual birthdate (with the year) will turn up anything, since I doubt there would be records of news stories (at least of crazy new stories) from 58 years ago (in my case).

They've gotten really organized lately, as I see that the above link is in a new site called ifloridaman.com.

Now I wish I had been born a day later; the things that men in Florida did on October 7th are much more interesting:

Florida Man Arrested for Allegedly Breaking Into a House and Trying on Baby Clothes While Holding a Woman Hostage​

Florida man accused of pouring beer in gator's mouth after enticing reptile to bite his arm​

Apologies in advance to medtran49 and CraigC, as this doesn't reflect them (or other residents on this forum from the great state of Florida). There's a sort of game you can play where you enter this into a search engine:

Florida man (your birthday)

For example, I did this search:

Florida man October 6

And I came up with this:

Florida Man interrupts Hurricane Matthew live TV report to yell ‘D***s out for Harambe’.

NOTE: it's unlikely that your actual birthdate (with the year) will turn up anything, since I doubt there would be records of news stories (at least of crazy new stories) from 58 years ago (in my case).

They've gotten really organized lately, as I see that the above link is in a new site called ifloridaman.com.

Now I wish I had been born a day later; the things that men in Florida did on October 7th are much more interesting:

Florida Man Arrested for Allegedly Breaking Into a House and Trying on Baby Clothes While Holding a Woman Hostage​

Florida man accused of pouring beer in gator's mouth after enticing reptile to bite his arm​

On my birthday in 2014...

Florida Man Arrested For Throwing Cheeseburger At Pregnant Woman​

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