Forum GOD!
They forgot about the Sagging Stones, but I guess a cartoon of that would be rather indecent.
They forgot about the Sagging Stones, but I guess a cartoon of that would be rather indecent.
Which reminds me of my favourite christmas joke:
I swear, I almost puke everytime a "Die Hard" movie comes on, talk about cheesy! I quickly change the channel...
I swear, I almost puke everytime a "Die Hard" movie comes on, talk about cheesy! I quickly change the channel...
Never seen one, no wish to. I don't do films where it's all macho posturing and blowing things up.... except for James Bond of courseI swear, I almost puke everytime a "Die Hard" movie comes on, talk about cheesy! I quickly change the channel...
When they first came out I did not go to the theater to see them. But they did start playing them on TV, unfortunately. I never make it through 3 minutes of it.Never seen one, no wish to. I don't do films where it's all macho posturing and blowing things up.... except for James Bond of course
I liked him in one movie: The Sixth Sense. But Haley Joel Osment stole the show in that one, Bruce was really just a supporting actor.Never seen one, Bruce isn't my cup of tea.
I swear, I almost puke everytime a "Die Hard" movie comes on, talk about cheesy! I quickly change the channel...
I'm not opposed to violent movies, but when they are ultra predictable, poorly enacted, and just downright cheesy, nope.Aw c'mon. We all need a dose of gratuitous violence from time to time.