What made you smile recently?

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As I've established on here before, I like low-budget horror films (not exclusively, I like other stuff as well), and today I watched four (on for background noise as much as anything else) that each had at least one unintentionally funny line of dialogue in it:

1. The Swarm (about bees gone amok):
"I never dreamed that it would turn out to be the bees. They've always been our friend." - Bee scientist

2. It's Alive! (demonic homicidal newborn baby gone amok):
"Hunting and killing babies doesn't seem to be my specialty." - Police detective

3. Stanley (PTSD-stricken Vietnam vet and snake aficionado gone amok):
"We'll live here, in the swamp! We'll raise our children to hate people and love snakes!" - Tim the snake friend (had to paraphrase from memory)

4. Madmen Of Mandoras (Hitler's preserved head in jar gone amok):
Less a quote and more a scene. Our All-American govt hero and his wife happen up on a mysterious dead body.

Wife: "Shouldn't we call the police?!"
Hero (propping body up in a public phone booth): "No...we'll just leave him here, someone will find him eventually."
Watching my husband Ray trying his best to make a Carbonara for me last week when I was feeling unwell bless him (I was diagnosed with MS 12 months ago) , the meal was really nice unfortunately it then took me almost two hours the following morning to clean up how on earth could he make such a mess? He must have used every pan that we posses! There was sauce up the splash back, spaghetti in the sink, and something I could not identify stuck to the hob. I love him as dearly as the day I married him however, I do sometimes wish he would stay out of my kitchen!
He panics when cooking, he is so frenetic, hands everywhere, the cooking is always accompanied by bangs, clangs, whistles and the occasional grunt or curse when he cuts his finger or burns himself or the food! The latter is not often thankfully!
My fault I suppose, I have spoiled him. When I met the man he could not boil an egg however, after forty years of watching me anything that he does make is good. It is just that he destroys my kitchen in the process!!

Sarana x
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