That is a lot of squash for two people. And rather a lot of potatoes too.The rest of it should be fairly easy to use up if you eat a lot of lettuce salads!
To me this seems an unbalanced veg box. We have quite a few veg box schemes in the UK. I've tried them but even though they were more varied than yours, I still found it diffficult to use everything up.
We do eat a fair amount of salads, but the problem with that is...we prefer the crunchier stuff, like romaine, over the baby leaf stuff in the mixed greens. The arugula is right out, AFAIC.
Last batch, I threw out half the mixed greens and half the arugula. This time around, I'm concentrating on the mixed greens, since we also got two heads of green leaf lettuce, which is a little closer to what we like, and I can mix it up a bit. I tried to give the arugula away to a couple of neighbors - they weren't having it, either.
They did get two of the squash, though, and the kale, and we've already eaten a turnip. We both prefer those raw as a snack, so the second one will be gone today.
The beets won't pose a problem, and with just two squash to deal with, I can probably manage that. Potatoes...I can eat my weight in potatoes, excepting the sweet ones, and I'd just bought five pounds of gold potatoes before these showed up, so that's a lotta taters! Plus all those onions, and I just got a bag of onions the other day, and I've already got onion soup in the! Maybe an onion tart is about to make an appearance soon.
Hmm...looking at your pics: any possibility to adjust the quantity (for months to come)? I feel sorry for you; steaming, dicing and cooking veggies day in day out... And hating it

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The boxes are a set amount, set items, it's just a little family organic farm around the corner of the house. I'm much happier with this box than the last box, mainly because of the potatoes, turnips, and the beets.
I may have to get better about par-cooking and freezing stuff. I didn't want to do that, the freezer is full, but I may have to.