They weren't that expensive - under 10€.
Can I get them sent to the UK? That is a good price!
They weren't that expensive - under 10€.
Sorry. I checked my email invoice: the price wasn't under 10€, it was €12,98/50 g - and according to the website, they only deliver to Finland. The same brand is sold for €17,80/50 g here. The delivery costs to UK (4,90€ in Finland) would exceed the difference anyway.Can I get them sent to the UK? That is a good price!
Pre-Thanksgiving shopping:
Beer (Shiner Cheer & Sam Adams Winter Lager)
Mixed nuts
Sweet pickles
Olives (two kinds)
Canned corn
Potato Chips/Crisps
Pecan halves
Sour cream
Cream Cheese
Heavy cream
Dip (French onion and spinach-artichoke)
American cheese
Frozen pizza (that was lunch)
Bell peppers
Green onions
Fresh cranberries
Jarlsberg cheese
Ham lunchmeat
Their self-scan app was down yesterday, so I had to actually go through a line and have a cashier ring my stuff up. Oh, the horror!
Sorry. I checked my email invoice: the price wasn't under 10€, it was €12,98/50 g - and according to the website, they only deliver to Finland. The same brand is sold for €17,80/50 g here. The delivery costs to UK (4,90€ in Finland) would exceed the difference anyway.
There are five types of truffles in Finland. Most of them thrive in oak forests in southwestern Finland but some - like the ones in my home town - grow in mixed wood forests. The only shop specializing in Finnish wild truffles is located here in Lahti. Our truffles are mostly searched with dogs of Lagotto romagnolo breed. Finnish truffles are very expensive - that's why I order foreign canned ones.Thanks for this. OK - I was thinking they were fresh truffles. I can get similar here. In fact I may have some in my store cupboard.
You use the term "grass" a lot. I assume that refers to any kind of leafy greens???
Today's "grass". Plus snow peas, capsicum and egg noodles for tomorrow.
[And spuds - spuds are always on the list]