What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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Beef cheek and oysters. It's British Pie Week, so a beef and oyster pie is on the menu for tomorrow night. Yet to decide between shortcrust or puff pastry.

I want this so much! Shortcrust would be my preference.Not sure why but possibly because I'd like the slightly crumbly texture.
Not purchased yesterday but delivered. Luckily they read my delivery note instructions and left it on the veranda table rather than taking it to a Post office that would be closed today.


  • Verjuice (reduced )
  • Burnt fig jam
  • Traditional tomato sauce (reduced )
  • Dark Cherry, rosemary and verjuice preserve
  • Spiced tomato, cornichon and verjuice preserve
  • Dried apricots

For those of you that have access to frozen langoustine, are they really worth it?

I've not tried langoustine but frozen lobster really doesn't work. Oddly, frozen prawns (shell on) seem to do quite well. So - its a gamble!
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