Forum GOD!
Rack of pork for Sunday lunch today.
I am a bit at a loss @rascal. I was thinking you may have misspelled "dhal". I thought it should be "dahl". So I googled it. To my surprise, everyone spells it "dal". I am almost positive there was an "h" in the word somewhere when I first started shopping at Indian grocery stores a few years ago. So what happened to the "h"?I think you would like Indian cooking. They use lentils for great dishes. I love a chana dhal curry.
I am a bit at a loss @rascal. I was thinking you may have misspelled "dhal". I thought it should be "dahl". So I googled it. To my surprise, everyone spells it "dal". I am almost positive there was an "h" in the word somewhere when I first started shopping at Indian grocery stores a few years ago. So what happened to the "h"?
H is still used here, dhal
"H" is still used here also. By me anyway.
I am a bit at a loss @rascal. I was thinking you may have misspelled "dhal". I thought it should be "dahl". So I googled it. To my surprise, everyone spells it "dal". I am almost positive there was an "h" in the word somewhere when I first started shopping at Indian grocery stores a few years ago. So what happened to the "h"?
lol...when was the last time WE ALL WERE CORRECT? Thanks MG.I've always spelt it dhal. But the spelling can vary as its a phonetic translation so dal, daal, dail, dhal or dahl are all 'correct':
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Went to the Asian market today. Hoping for geoduck but they didn't have any. Instead we got a huge slab of pork belly and this.
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Wife always stops by the Underwood’s family farm and picks up their fresh picked, naturally sweet and buttery corn.
You fill your bag right off the harvesters bin. They harvest year round. Someplace on the property corn is always growing.
I boiled some pre-frozen store bought corn last night it was bland and soggy. A reminder how good fresh picked is.
So I’m headed back to Underwood’s farm this morning to reset our bad corn episode.
Shuck the corn.
Bring a pot of water to a boil.
Mix in 1/4 cup sugar and 1/2 stick butter until it dissolves.
Add corn and when it re-reaches (is that a word?) boil shut off the heat and let it set for 10 minutes.
Oh brother what a treat.
I find zapping in the microwave the best way. Works for me.