What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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I bought these two things at the restaurant store:

(yes, I am aware of the issues around this, but the EU has banned the force feeding practice where I live so what I can get is not from force fed animals). I bought two small 50 gram tins for Christmas.

(the above two are not my pics).

I also bought a load of foods more for our party the weekend of 26 november, but they're mostly in the freezer. I will take pics when they're on the table. The list includes:
- Olives
- Tapenade & aioli
- Sweet peppers with cream cheese filling
-Mini quiches

I was planning at first to do these things myself, but since I'm still recovering from two hospital stays I decided against it. And the restaurant store provides high quality convienience foods.
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