What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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ALDI and Kroger stops today:






A lot of that is for upcoming recipes for Thanksgiving.
Two more pepperoni pizzas, a steak and kidley pie, 250 gms Virginia ham, a kilogramme of pork sausage and two burger buns, one of which will surround a pork chilli burger later.

[฿747.00 or £17.40 in real money].
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I did have a humorous little thing happen at the grocery store today.

I was looking for the mustard seed (more on that in a bit), and there was a woman standing there next to me. Here’s how it happened:

Woman (into phone): “Ok, hold on, let me just put you on speaker. Ok, now, I’ll read everything to you, and you tell me what I have and what I don’t…dried basil…basil…basil…”

Man on other end: “I don’t see it…hold on…basil…got about half a jar.

“Do I have any oregano?”

“Oregano…got it.”

“How much do I have? I need a teaspoon.”

“I don’t know what a teaspoon is. Maybe a half-inch in the jar.”

“Ok, that’s enough. Thyme. To I have thyme?”

<She pronounced the “th” soft, like in thigh>

“Yeah, you have that.”

“Ok, I can’t pronounce this one, so I’m going to spell it: M-A-R-J-O-R-A-M.”

Sometimes, I think I forget what it was like to not have some knowledge of the kitchen.
Mustard seed…what’s up with mustard seed?

I wanted brown or black mustard seed (never used either one before, needed for the chili challenge). I was fairly confident my local Kroger wouldn’t have that, but I thought the big Kroger might, and that the gourmet shop definitely would.

Checked local Kroger first. None. No mustard seed whatsoever, brown, black, or otherwise.

Another “regular” grocery store. Nada. Not a seed to be found. When did mustard seed get so scarce?

Gourmet shop it is…wha?…no mustard seed at all!

Last chance, big Kroger, and they had one container of mustard seed, but it was yellow. Hmmmm…

The internet said I could substitute yellow mustard seed for brown, just to use more of it, so I bought the last container of mustard seed in southwestern Ohio.
I don't think we quite got the quantities correct for the monthly shop yet... last month we ran out of a few things, this time around I think we're good until the New Year (7 weeks instead of 4-5 :whistling: ) on non-perishable and freezer items!

We'll only need to spend $50‐60 per week on fresh produce until the New Year excluding the Christmas chocolates which I'll order tomorrow.

Maybe in the New Year we'll have the quantities sussed. Moving from weekly to monthly shopping has somehow thrown us a touch. I might suggest a fortnightly trial instead of we make a mess of January's monthly shop (always first shop after payday which is the 15th).
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