What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today? (2018-2022)

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Just bought this bottle for only € 5,50

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I realised this morning we had no onions, they are essential,in shepherds pie. Made a special trip to farmer who grows them. $5 for 5 kgs. I also get my spuds there. Agria for mash or frying. My fave spud except for new tatties. Wife txt me and wants a nice ice cream for after dinner. Get 2 X ice cream $3.70 ea on a stick. Choc coated and peanut chips, she gets first choice. One hour trip and $15 .

Failure, I fancied some
Dalmatian prosciutto
News Shopping & Style
"Of all the distinct prosciutto produced in Croatia, that which is made in the most-southerly regions packs the biggest punch. There are no airs and graces of subtlety to this flavour fest; Dalmatian prosciutto loudly announces its attendance before even arriving at your mouth. Wood smoked and dried for a minimum of 12 months, Dalmatian prosciutto easily stands up to the no-nonsense, full-flavoured red wines grown in the same region. Proven to have been made in Dalmatia since at least Roman times, the dry and sunny climate assist in the long maturing period. The meat's preservation comes strictly and solely from the initial salting and the subsequent smoking process. Tourism to the region over the last century has helped the fame of Dalmatian prosciutto spread internationally, as well it should"
We got to the mall too early and he had not set up to hand carve. For me Dalmatian and Drnis Prsut are only beaten by Iberico. The production of most of Croatia delicacies are too small and localized to support export. Every region has its own style, every town and village have multiple local vendors.The pic has my wifes Waitrose bag for life placed purposefully.
Please read the link to get a flavor of the hidden gems.

Croatia's best delicacies
I bought some perry, some beer, and some Prosecco yesterday.

I've been trying like crazy to get some kirsch - it's great mixed with pineapple juice, and of course, it's an essential part of fondue.

So over the last two months, I've gone here, I've gone there, I've gone everywhere, no kirsch.

I finally asked at my usual go-to shop and she filled me in - "Ohio has stopped selling kirsch. No more kirsch for sale here. You have to go to Kentucky."


All alcohol sales are controlled by the state, and for whatever reason, kirsch dropped off the list of approved products for sale. What's worse, the big distiller that makes the sort of generic kirsch we buy...they're about 40 minutes from the house...in Ohio. They can make it here, but not sell it here.

Now I've got to drive 75 minutes each way to Kentucky for a bottle of kirsch! 😠
Now I've got to drive 75 minutes each way to Kentucky for a bottle of kirsch! 😠

That would be silly. Can't you order it from somewhere on-line? I haven't had kirsch for 30 years or more and never knew about using it in a fondue.

Wonder why they banned it...
That would be silly. Can't you order it from somewhere on-line? I haven't had kirsch for 30 years or more and never knew about using it in a fondue.

Wonder why they banned it...
Yes, with "traditional" (there's that word again...) cheese fondue, there's usually a bit of kirsch added near the end, and it's also customary to drink a shot before starting on the food, to help keep the stomach happy.

I'm not sure about buying online, as I'd have to buy it from out of state, and we have really funky alcohol laws here. It's only been just recently that I've been able to buy wine online from out of state. Some states allow it, some don't, and many have really goofy conditions to meet.
A quick bit of research shows that it's mainly down to sales. The Ohio Commerce Board occasionally reviews alcohol sales and "adjusts" what is being sold. Poor sellers get axed and replaced with what they hope will be strong sellers.

I guess my two bottles a year couldn't support the product. :(
Yesterday I got
Sweet potatoes
White potatoes
Goats milk
Fruit ice lollies

I got 18 small bags of pancake/Yorkshire mix.
As they are normally £1 but was reduced to 15p a bag. They are in date until 2021.
I normally make my own gluten free pancakes etc so these will come in handy when I don't have time to make Yorkshires.
I didn't need eggs as I was given a big tray a couple of days ago.
They are so big


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...and it looks like spirits through online ordering is a no-go in Ohio. Still googling, but that's what I'm coming up with. Beer and wine, yes, if the seller has the proper permits, but no on spirts.
I celebrate my birthday with my husband and stepkids on sunday, so we bought some extra stuff for that.
-Macarons from the baker
-Strawberry cake from the baker
-Potato chips

Yeah I know it's not very much but the children won't eat things they don't know due to their autism and at least they like the cake and chips. Husband and I are having macarons too.

Aside from that the regular shop:
Butterhead lettuce
Whole wheat bread
Port Salut
Kerrygold butter
Chicken breasts
Chorizo sausage
Canned san Marzano tomatoes
Dried plums
Self raising flour
Ravioli from the deli
Are we talking about kirschwasser?

I'm on vacation week after next, and we're planning on going to Cincy one of those days, and the US' largest liquor store is just over the river, so we'll make a stop in there.

Not only will I be able to get the generic kirsch, I'll actually be able to get some imported stuff.
...and it looks like spirits through online ordering is a no-go in Ohio. Still googling, but that's what I'm coming up with. Beer and wine, yes, if the seller has the proper permits, but no on spirts.

So complicated! Here we can order anything from anywhere in the UK and I think. Europe. It never occurred to me that this wasn't the case in the US.
So complicated! Here we can order anything from anywhere in the UK and I think. Europe. It never occurred to me that this wasn't the case in the US.
Alcohol laws here are so effed up, it's beyond nuts. For example, I can buy beer at Kroger after noon on Sunday, but I can't walk across the street and buy it from the smaller market literally yards away.

Some towns, I can buy beer at Kroger 24/7. Others, beer and wine, but only after noon on Sunday (and all the other days of the week). Hell, we still have dry towns here, no booze for sale at all, except for certain (not all) restaurants.

Before the pandemic, I'd shop at multiple stores, and I could never keep straight which ones I could purchase alcohol in on what days/times, and what types of alcohol. I don't know how many times I walked up to the checkout with, say, some little bottles of wine for cooking with, a bottle of schnapps, and a six-pack of beer, and the checkout person would say, "Yes, yes, no," or "No, yes, no," or some other permutation of "Guess what you can buy today?"

I understand why you all ran those Puritans off in 1620. I just wish they'd blown further north off course and landed in Canada.
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