What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2024)?

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Some more R&D today. I brought home some pizza fingers we are trying in one of our freezers at the shop. They look like spring rolls..we'll try them in the air fryer so we can tell customers it works great, even if it doesn't...:angelic:
Some more R&D today. I brought home some pizza fingers we are trying in one of our freezers at the shop. They look like spring rolls..we'll try them in the air fryer so we can tell customers it works great, even if it doesn't...:angelic:
They sound great. So the pizza fillings on the inside like a mini calzone?
No, no, no. It’s “biscuits and gravy,” always.
An irrelevant aside.
When I taught EFL, students would say things like "it's white and black" or "chips and fish". I'd correct them of course.
"But why??", they ask.
"Because it is", was always the reply. Technically, it's called collocation.
End of today's useless language lesson. :laugh: :laugh:
Please do, it sounds ideal for watching the rugby ie it's easy to get it all in your mouth rather than down your shirt 😂
Here they are. Not the best looking things, but they taste ok. I wonder how many lawsuits the restaurants will have from people biting into this tube of molten lava.
Here they are. Not the best looking things, but they taste ok. I wonder how many lawsuits the restaurants will have from people biting into this tube of molten lava. View attachment 110220
I'm not blown away by the wet looking 'wrapper pastry' inside but I think the idea's got legs for sure.
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