What produce/ingredients did you buy or obtain today (2024)?

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I'm more knowledgeable now and since it's not hot enough for boiled peanuts I'll try again! This time it will work; I'll be able to post a recipe! :happy:
I didn't bother with a recipe, but it did take much longer than the 2 weeks that is suggested online. Mine took closer to 4 weeks but my garlic bulbs were very large.


I think I did them back in September this year.
I'm jealous... Those were via the dehydrator???

Edit: Your frig. is empty!
yeah - the dehydrator worked really well. I used several smaller kilner jars to make them in. the dehydrator is excellent for low temperatures over long periods of time - exactly what it is designed for - and the sealed jars stopped them drying out.

And yeah - that's just the bottom shelf - but it is shopping day today -thats where my OH is now.
I'll have to explore that if round 2 doesn't work. It should; I've a better understanding of the process.
I found I needed to keep some kitchen paper in the lid of the containers to absorb the excess water vapour and stop it accumulating in the jar. That's bad for the garlic and was caused mould. Initially it was changed every day.
An absolute score!
The Corovan supermarket run by an Asian family had all standard fair and I didn’t think I was going to get any joy and then BOOM on the top centre of a tiny shelf there was - Sesame oil, Fish sauce, White Pepper, rice noodles and rice vinegar.
No gluten free soy sauce or shaoxing but the main supermarket had GF soy sauce and a bottle of sherry for €2.60!


No dried mushrooms, bamboo shoots or water chestnuts but the main supermarket had fresh shiitake and hearts of palm and that will do nicely.
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