I hit Meijer's grocery store "7 for $7 sale" and got a bunch of stuff for $1 apiece, but the most exciting were the bags of avocados (6 avocados per bag) for $1! I got 12 avocados for $2!!! And second most exciting was the 5-lb bags of potatoes for $1 each (I got 2 bags). Other than that I got a 3 lb bag of onions, 1 lb baby carrots, 1 bell pepper, 1 large broccoli crown, and several 160-ct boxes of tissues. Not part of that sale were small packages of fresh blackberries for .99 cents each and large family boxes of Ritz crackers for $3.50 each. I also picked up some slider buns for our burgers tonight since I don't have time to ferment and cook from scratch.
Today was an excellent day all around!