What will you be watching on TV tonight (2024)?

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Yes I have a DVD player and the boys laughed at me because apparently I said the same thing about a year ago when I bought a DVD 😂

Anyhoo watched the first episode of the monoculed mutineer.
At first it was just nostalgic watching the clunky 80’s filming that doesn’t seem that far from a six form production but then it builds to a pack a powerful punch that really stings.

I should have known as it was clever Alan Bleasdale’s work, he has a well earned reputation for skewering the British class system and the establishment in general but I was 13yrs old when I watched it so didn’t have a scooby!

Need a break and some tea before the next episode!
We watched the 2022 Elvis biopic last night.

I’m nominally versed in Elvis lore, and watching this, I kept thinking, “I don’t think that happened that way,” and post-film research confirmed that the creative sources behind the film weren’t much bothered with accuracy, even by Hollywood standards, by their own admission.

However, Austin What’s-His-Face is worth the price of admission - his execution of “Early Elvis” is damn near flawless.
We watched the 2015 movie High-Rise (based on the 1975 book) last night, dystopian plot, which I usually enjoy.

I’ve not read the book, but now I want to, because the plot was very interesting, but the movie was horrible.
Watching "Gandhi".
I remember going to see that when it first came out, as a school event. I probably shouldn’t say this, but the main thing I took from it was, “Geez, this is long!”

Nowadays, of course, three hour movies aren’t unusual, but that was so long back then (when 75-90 minute movies were the norm) that they had an intermission, so we could all go pee.
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