Whatcha drinking (2018-2022)?

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I think I’m drawn to beers that have clever puns for their name.
I'm the opposite. I get a little annoyed at beers with too-cute names. I'll still drink them, but I like to think, "Couldn't you have just called this what it is?"

I know, I know...you've got to get your product noticed out of all the others on the shelf, but still. The first beer I remember with a name like that (at least in my adult years) was Old Leg Humper.
Having a mug of Twining's English Breakfast Tea With Lemon (K-cup), in an appropriate October mug:

That mug is 26 years old. We got it (as the mug says) at the London Dungeon attraction in London.

The light from the lamppost is supposed to come on only after putting a hot liquid in the mug, then fade as the brew cools, but that's never worked - it's been on from day one.
Early morning cup of tea. Going with lemon and some honey to help out my throat.

Honey's a weird one with me. I absolutely am repulsed by the taste of honey by itself. Even the smell of it makes me heave. I don't know any other way to describe it than to say it tastes like wet, sticky fuzz.

But as an ingredient, it's excellent and one of my favorites. Even just adding it to hot tea, it lends a wonderful sweetness that's just right.
Thought I'd share pics of some of my steins. This one is a Dooley stein (Dooley is the name of the character) - anybody around Utica, NY in the 1960's remember Dooley and his friends?


This one definitely requires some explanation. Bugeaters FC are a semi-pro soccer team based in Omaha, Nebraska. The nickname derives from the original nickname of settlers to the state of Nebraska: apparently, they were a lot of bugs back then.

When I visited my parents recently, I did like I always do: I sampled the local fare. This beer is brewed in Nebraska, and it’s very tasty golden ale...or should I say goalden ale.
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PB Porter
. This looks like dessert, and it almost is. Well, the chocolate turtles do the job by themselves. The porter has a hilarious main character in the story. Apparently, the peanut guy and the chocolate river are having a forbidden love affair.

Better than that, this is a beautiful drink. It is first a porter, and then there’s that Reese‘s peanut butter cup finish, although subtle. That is, it was subtle until I got a Reese’s peanut butter cup and ate it along with this drink. Also highly recommended.
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