What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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Glad you're doing ok!

We are always ok, during earthquakes in 2010 and 11 we never lost any of our power water or anything. Daughter lost her home and son had to stay with us with his wife. Their home was damaged and lost water. I'm in a pretty good area exactly where I wanted to move to 30 plus years ago. Not one ounce of liquefaction around here. Daughters place had 18inches liquefaction.

Mostly sunny today. No rain, but the ground is still wet from all the recent rain. We should go into the dry months in good shape. All the reservoirs on the Trinity River are full. :okay:

I'm do jealous, I want one too.


This is what we bought and where we are going to put it so as you can see, there is a lot of prep work to do.


I haven't watered my yard/garden all week. It has rained at least a little almost every day. My grass is growing like crazy. I managed to mow it today before another storm hit.

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