Forum GOD!
We're still getting nights that are very cold here, dropping down to 1-6C which means I can't actually plant anything out yet .probably a good thing given that I don't yet have a very plot up and running ,but day time temperatures are already hitting +30C and there is very little rain. Officially we are in a state wide drought which was declared about 6 weeks ago or so . There is very little water in the dams for livestock .the 3mm we had earlier in the week won't go far and did little to top up the water levels.
So in the garden at the moment it is only established stuff that is happening .the rhubarb is growing ,the sour cherry tree saplings I dug up from my last place actually have a few fruit forming, but the main growth right now are the green almonds on the tree .next to it there are nectarines or peaches forming but they are easy too small right now to properly identify . I've 3 forms of mint growing, one is very definitely peppermint, the other two I've get to work out. I've got winter savoury , rosemary (normal and ground covering ), thyme (lemon and common), basil, chives ,sage and coriander growing around the place. But no veg yet. Hopefully I'll get some fast growing stuff in like summer leaves ,beetroot (for the leaves), rocket and carrot growing before long . Plus I should be able to get courgette, marrow and squash in. They should catch up . Tomatoes are another possibility of I buy small plants instead of trying from seeds. Fingers crossed. Being in hospital for planting season has really knocked my season on the head!
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Green almonds
I've been watching the news about droughts. I've got friends in Milton so know what's going on over there. I have a wind free area so I've been able to do my seeds for last 4 to 6 weeks. Predictions of 30 deg c all November here.