What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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I have five or six feeders near my living room window and yesterday I saw my first ever Coal Tit. It was so pretty, smaller even that a Blue Tit. I was thrilled!

They are tiny aren't they. I refilled the seed feeder as it was almost empty, hopefully they will continue to feed in my garden.
If you keep the feeders full, you will have avian visitors for life. They bring me so much pleasure; we even have Buzzards and Red Kites here.
I too feed the birds on my back lawn with bread. It also keeps them off my strawberries. I've picked a kilo so far so will be making jam this weekend. My grandkids love it in the morning on their toast. Picking peas as well and new potatoes . Garden is thriving. Had my first raspberry off the new canes on Monday. Will be freezing as I pick.

We just have tits and pigeons :laugh:

I bet you don't. If you are able to watch for most of the day I am sure you would see far more than those. I made eye contact with a pair of Jackdaws today, that was interesting, also seeing how much smaller they are than Crows. They are also higher in the pecking order than Magpies, which surprised me.
I bet you don't. If you are able to watch for most of the day I am sure you would see far more than those. I made eye contact with a pair of Jackdaws today, that was interesting, also seeing how much smaller they are than Crows. They are also higher in the pecking order than Magpies, which surprised me.

Being so close to the canal and open fields there are apparently red kites around.
We have blackbirds sparrows and a few finches around me. There's a huge park right behind me with 50 year old established trees. So lots of birds, there's one that makes a distinctive whistle. It does 4 different whistles, but always the same. It's funny. I leave bread out for them, but there's a family of magpies in the tree as well.

Being so close to the canal and open fields there are apparently red kites around.
Not a natural habitat for red kites - they are usually found over hilly woodland. More likely to be buzzards - you can tell the difference by their tails. Red kites have forked tails, buzzards don't.
Not a natural habitat for red kites - they are usually found over hilly woodland. More likely to be buzzards - you can tell the difference by their tails. Red kites have forked tails, buzzards don't.

I have never seen them, just going on other peoples comments which is why I said apparently. There are definitely birds of prey around here though.
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