What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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Well the tree I thought was an almond tree turns out to be an apricot tree. We managed to save a few but the vast majority of the apricots have been eaten by sulphur crested cockatoos, crimson rosellas and some nectar feeding birds I've yet to positively identify . The sulphurs and mostly the rosellas have also decimated the apple trees except for a couple of branches that I managed to through a fruit tree net over so I may have some apples soon. The pear tree doesn't interest the birds mostly because it only has about 6 pears on it, but I have put a net over the branch that had them on it . No quince this year sadly .I'll purine it shortly and give it a shock .that normally helps . The vine continues to grow as do the grapes which I'll cover over very soon (as soon as I work out how to!). We only have 5 bunches so I'd like try to save them . Then there are the 2 fig trees. I've yet to work out how I even know the figs are rip . They grow continually and ripen constantly as well, so you always have all stages of the fruit on one branch. At the moment ,the only way I know they are ripe is when the birds attack them ... Then lemon tree is doing something similar as well .again it had really hoping fruit on the tree as well as last years lemons on it !
That's it really. Other than we had 1 sour cherry from the 3 trees we transplanted from our old home .they were planted during the week. The rhubarb is starting to settle in and the new plant had also been planted, but the veg plot is a wreak .I need to do some serious work in it, but my winter savoury (herb) is loving it's new home so I should be able to harvest a whole load soon and dehydrate the leaves for the winter .
Sunflowers are out, I'll post pics soon. Cucumber ready in the greenhouse. Chillies aren't too far away. Gardens the best ever this year. Expect bumper crops. Picking and freezing beans and peas. Courgettes for Africa. Gerkins just starting to form now. Pics later. I'm upstairs ATM.

Sorry thought it was a Brit thing, the big concert to raise money for Africa, it means you have heaps of them, enoug for Africa. Bob geldof was it???

A few days ago I saw something on facebook which just never occured to me: clear plastic storage boxes can be used in place of a greenhouse - cheaper to buy, take up less room and can be easily stored away when not in use. Genius!
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A few days ago I saw something on facebook which just never occured to me: clear plastic storage boxes can be used in place of a greenhouse - cheaper to buy, take up less room and can be easily stored away when not in use. Genius!

Do you simply puts pots inside them - and what size storage boxes are we talking about?
The wife bought 2 wee houses off the net for like ? $30. 30 mins to put together. We're growing lots in these. Cucumbers pickles chillies.

Our washing is on the line, it is dry sunny and a bit windy, perfect conditions :okay:

We had a clear out and tidy in the shed, got a bit cluttered and messy. We need to buy a new lawnmower, attachments for the hose and various other bits so at some point we will need a visit to a garden centre or diy store.
We've got lots of tiny everglades tomatoes, but they're all still green and not showing signs of red yet.

My 2 kinds of pepper plants are producing and they are big enough now to tell which is which since I forgot to mark them. However, it looks like I got some rogue seeds in 1 package since I've got several plants that are fruiting tiny little round mottled green balls. The leaves look like pepper plant leaves.

Whatever grew where I planted the shiso seeds wasn't. I ripped it all out and replanted a week or so ago, so will see what comes up this time.

First time I ever ordered from this seed company and may be the last depending on their response to email I sent them about the above. Problems with 2 out of 3 seed packets does not bode well.
Our washing is on the line, it is dry sunny and a bit windy, perfect conditions :okay:

We had a clear out and tidy in the shed, got a bit cluttered and messy. We need to buy a new lawnmower, attachments for the hose and various other bits so at some point we will need a visit to a garden centre or diy store.

Lol, you made me laugh, you reminded me of my son many years ago, about 15 years ago I bought a brand new mower, key start btw, because I like the easy way. Cost me about $500 from memory, it was top of the line. Anywho after a few months my son borrowed it to do his lawns. I never saw that mower again. Excuse after excuse,lol. I guess I'm a softie. I got a man in after that to cut my lawns. Still do to this day. $30 the guy cuts lawns, trims edges and takes clippings away.

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