What's going on in your garden (2018-2022)?

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I'm happy to report that we grew potatoes and onions!

I promptly turned them into roast potatoes and fried onions, served them up with some rib eye steak. My wife and daughter loved the meal.

PS I didn't actually plant any onions..... I must have missed them last harvest and somehow they survived over winter and just grew.

I made a video of the entire thing, kind of like writing a diary, but much more time consuming.

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It´s rained (real tropical rain) virtually every single day this month. The tomato plants drowned, the long peppers drowned; the only thing that survived was a pumpkin. Plus I have to cut the grass every 10 days because it grows too fast!
It´s rained (real tropical rain) virtually every single day this month. The tomato plants drowned, the long peppers drowned; the only thing that survived was a pumpkin. Plus I have to cut the grass every 10 days because it grows too fast!

10 days? I have to mow every five days. That's without heavy rain. If I wait longer, the grass browns after I mow it, and takes a week to recover.

Different climate. I imagine. Caracas is almost 1000 mts above sea level, average temperature 26°C, hot and humid in the rainy season. In the dry season ( December- April) I don´t cut the grass at all!
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