I'm the kid that cried when I trod on a bumble bee on my Grannie's lawn because the bee would now die, not because my foot hurt.
When I get stung, I tell the bee that I may hurt for a few minutes, but you are going to die, B___H.

I'm the kid that cried when I trod on a bumble bee on my Grannie's lawn because the bee would now die, not because my foot hurt.
When I get stung, I tell the bee that I may hurt for a few minutes, but you are going to die, B___H.
I also have some flower buds on my moonflower vine (it blooms at night and is incredibly fragrant). It seems to like the spot where I put it, it’s overgrown the trellis and is now busy trying to escape to the neighbour’s yard.
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You’re correct, they’re a type of night-blooming morning glory! They are perennials in their native habitat but it’s too cold here for them to survive the winter so we grow them as annuals.Well now... I'm fascinated by this as it looks like a type of ipomoea, which is my favourite flower and as you can see, my on-line name! Morning glory flowers open in the morning and last just one day. They aren't fragrant though.
And then there's the mess the tree, four or five fellas leave behind after hauling away all the sellable timber. Never to be seen again, no doubt.
Hard work in the heat deserves beer. Consider yourself exonerated from all guiltThe heat and beer got the better of me yesterday. Back at it today..Chow is done.