What's going on in your garden (2023)?

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Freezing here. Yet to get to 5°C (40F)... and inside has yet to warm to above 14°C (57F). The gale outside is blowing that hard is stripping any warmth from the house despite the fire being banked up, fully open....

I think I'll be making a hot chocolate soon just to warm my hands up.
For a while now our garden has been really hard and dry in places so we have been limited to what we can do. Bought some plants a couple of weeks ago but could not put them in the ground, however, since the weekend rain our garden is much better. Last night TVC dug over a patch of ground so I was able to do some planting, it is raining again now so hopefully if it stops later then we can do some more, bit by bit we are getting there.
Our water butt is now almost full, over the weekend I put out 2 buckets and an old washing up bowl to collect more and they are out again this morning so all being well we should have a full water butt.
Yet to get to 5°C (40F)... and inside has yet to warm to above 14°C (57F).
Anything under 19-20C is torture for me. Average temperature here is around 23-24C, with daytime temperatures around 27C.
Garden still looks like a jungle, but it's a slightly more organised jungle now. I managed to remove all the weeds from a 5 mt stretch yesterday, and tomorrow I'll have another go. Should be finished by the end of the week.
(By which time, the first bit of garden will be full of weeds again 😆 😆 😆 )
I've just moved all my tender plants from the veranda where they are relatively sheltered, into the alcove that the front door creates. It's much more protected, with the house on 3 sides. Fingers crossed my aubergines, sweet potatoes, avocado and non-hardy fuschia survive tonight. We're due -6°C but it is going to be much colder than that.
For a while now our garden has been really hard and dry in places so we have been limited to what we can do. Bought some plants a couple of weeks ago but could not put them in the ground, however, since the weekend rain our garden is much better. Last night TVC dug over a patch of ground so I was able to do some planting, it is raining again now so hopefully if it stops later then we can do some more, bit by bit we are getting there.
Our water butt is now almost full, over the weekend I put out 2 buckets and an old washing up bowl to collect more and they are out again this morning so all being well we should have a full water butt.

I had to look up "water butt." We call them rain barrels. I've been planning to buy one for about 20 years. Someday I'll get around to it. :laugh:

I've been planting out lettuce.
Seeds were old, so I didn't expect much.
Sod's law, they all germinated.
Now if they all survive the transplanting, I'll have to deal with more than 80 head of lettuce in a couple of weeks!
And still got enough seedlings to give away

Lettuce soup... it takes a lot of lettuce to make it.
I've been planting out lettuce.
Seeds were old, so I didn't expect much.
Sod's law, they all germinated.
Now if they all survive the transplanting, I'll have to deal with more than 80 head of lettuce in a couple of weeks!
And still got enough seedlings to give away
Get a pet bunny! The wild ones around here seem to like eating my garden!
Wifes cut back all the dahlias and general tidy up. Winter so not a lot doing so I'm told im
propagating soon.
Raspberry canes cut back and some given to daughter.

Garden’s doing well - there’s tomatoes, peppers, beans, sunflowers, leeks, radishes, green onions, and some dill in this bed.

I turned my back for about 30 seconds and the radishes bolted. Ah well, they seem to be mostly foliage and no root anyway.

The contraption in the foreground is my motion-activated sprinkler - attempting to keep the squirrels, raccoons, bunnies, and Norm the groundhog out of the garden. It’s sort of effective.
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