What's going on in your garden (2024)?

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Potted up my pepper and tomato seedlings this weekend…they grow up so fast…

Some pots have more than 1 seedling in them (I had good germination rates this year). I’m going to give them one more week and then determine which ones to cull.
I had a 'hobby' greenhouse - sprouted more than a few kabillion vegetable seedlings. it sounds harsh, but fact is not every seed does it's thing to perfection. and if two-in-a-pot do . . . only one will thrive - so one of them has to go . . .

btw - long time organic gardener - age has caught up with me. I have a Troy built tiller that 'has to go' - anyone in pickup distance of Harrisburg looking for a well cared for tiller - I've got a deal for you.
That's the bit I hate. I always feel like I'm committing murder!
I know, me too!

In the past I have had some success with cutting off the excess seedlings at the soil line, and then putting them in a cup of water and allowing them to grow roots. Once they’ve had some decent root growth, transplant to soil.

They need to be a bit bigger for this to work, which is why I’m trying to resist the urge to cull now. I might be able to get a few more plants out of it (and I already have way more than I have room to grow!)
Norm, my backyard groundhog, is back!
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This is the first time we’ve seen him this year. He decamped last summer when we put out the motion-activated sprinkler to deter him from eating my veggie garden (which was kind of the point) so we figured he’d moved on. Looks like he’s still around!
They hibernate in winter! Ours (Stewie) has been around for 2 years. She's quite tame. Thankfully she doesn't like veggies, she likes peanut butter sandwiches, bananas, and peanuts. And grass.
I did find about 20 ripe raspberries in the veg plot today. Several apples from the apple tree were down, so I have those to the chooks because they had bird damage.

I need to plant the garlic out this weekend but it's due to rain heavily and we'll likely get hit badly because it's coming down diagonally NW to SE across the country and when it does that, we get lots of rain usually.
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