What's in YOUR Avatar?

Caydin Baker wants to teach you how to cook!.jpg

Mine is now a pic of another one of my grandnephews. This cute little boy also likes to cook! Well, at least he likes to help out in the kitchen. He wants to teach you how to cook!! Hah!!

He likes to "master his culinary skills" whenever he gets the chance to! I hope that HE keeps helping out in the kitchen as well! Hopefully soon, he'll want to be a cook when he gets a little older!! Hah! :wink::hungry::chef:
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Just up the road from us is a business who have this huge chair on their forecourt for whatever reason, just thought it may be a bit of fun :happy:

They painted this chair blue in support of our football team who won some trophy or whatever, I hope they change it back to green.
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Mine is now a pic of another one of my grandnephews. This cute little boy also likes to cook! Well, at least he likes to help out in the kitchen. He wants to teach you how to cook!! Hah!!

He likes to "master his culinary skills" whenever he gets the chance to! I hope that HE keeps helping out in the kitchen as well! Hopefully soon, he'll want to be a cook when her gets a little older!! Hah! :wink::hungry::chef:


Yes he is. I LOVE to see children begin to show off their cooking talents in the kitchen!! He'll go a long way!! Though he's not ready to use knives or the stove yet, he can be a great asset to helping out in the kitchen! :wink:
Mine is an icon I bought from the Noun Project, when changing my company name from Clickfinity to Cycling Tribe.
The picture of the burger you see in the ads and in-store advertising - but it never looks like that when you open the wrapper. :watching:
The picture of the burger you see in the ads and in-store advertising - but it never looks like that when you open the wrapper. :watching:
I'm not certain why anyone would actually even want to eat one of those. Sorry scrub that, why anyone would even want to go into one of those restaurants... Have they improved since I last ventured into one in the '80s?
I'm not certain why anyone would actually even want to eat one of those. Sorry scrub that, why anyone would even want to go into one of those restaurants... Have they improved since I last ventured into one in the '80s?

I don't even eat a burger like that any more.

I have to watch the sodium & fluid intake, and I don't want any excess fluid building up in my body again! I was in the hospital last week for a relapse of heart failure.
Luckily, the swelling of my legs, ankles & feet went down, and the first night that I was there, I was able to get a good night's sleep!! Slept like a baby!! :wink:
I don't even eat a burger like that any more.

I have to watch the sodium & fluid intake, and I don't want any excess fluid building up in my body again! I was in the hospital last week for a relapse of heart failure.
Luckily, the swelling of my legs, ankles & feet went down, and the first night that I was there, I was able to get a good night's sleep!! Slept like a baby!! :wink:
Waking every hour for your feed!
A small snack in between meals to help ward off glucose levels that are too low. :headshake::stop:
Did you say what your avatar represents? I can't remember. More than a year later and I still have not changed mine.

I popped my clogs on the operating table in November 95. They stopped the operation twice.

Could use the fact that I've have one trip in the rear of a hearse, including being carried out of Midnight Mass by the local undertaker & his team. Placed in the rear and taken to the local doctors, who was a bit surprised, it was the first time he'd had the undertaker bring someone to him to be seen to.
Then it was onto the nearest hospital(again in the back).There I was got out(memory starts coming back again after/around this point), although I don't remember being got out of the back, and allowed to "walk in" on my own.
This last one due to epilepsy, and a fit at Midnight Mass.

There's this one as well. Two years ago.
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I popped my clogs on the operating table in November 95. They stopped the operation twice.

Could use the fact that I've have one trip in the rear of a hearse, including being carried out of Midnight Mass by the local undertaker & his team. Placed in the rear and taken to the local doctors, who was a bit surprised, it was the first time he'd had the undertaker bring someone to him to be seen to.
Then it was onto the nearest hospital(again in the back).There I was got out(memory starts coming back again after/around this point), although I don't remember being got out of the back, and allowed to "walk in" on my own.
This last one due to epilepsy, and a fit at Midnight Mass.

There's this one as well. Two years ago.
Now this I would remember and you have to be ............kidding me. You've got to be kidding because you know I love a good laugh and this one isn't even slightly funny or is it? You and the Cycle buddies had quite a bit of laughs..
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