What's this?

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I just checked that it isn't possible to cheat by using an image search - tee-hee - Google thinks its laminate flooring. So here is the whole thing:

We received something similar free with a purchase a couple of months ago but it didn't include instructions.
I was seriously sceptical about whether this would work. But it was incredibly cheap so I thought I'd try it. If you have ever tried seeding pomegranates then you will know what a messy and tedious job it can be. I read somewhere that it was important to slip a plastic bag (or something else pliable) over the top of the halves of pomegranate in order to avoid splatter. Good advice.

It took me all of 4 minutes to deseed this pomegranate. You need a rolling pin or pestle to bang it with.

Top and tail the fruit and cut in half across diameter.
Place on one half of fruit (cut diameter side down) on top of the deseeder and cover in a small plastic bag.
Hold down the edges of the plastic bag and bash the pomegranate (merrily) with the rolling pin - on top and round the sides. Mind your fingers.
Hey presto! A bowl full of seeds. And what is more, no juice is wasted. There may be a bit of pith in the seeds but its easily picked out.




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Do you get pomegranates in Thailand?

Yes, we get very small ones (about the size of kaffir) which grow locally and some superstores occasionally carry imported ones (from Spain I think) but they are very expensive.
Pretty neat.

I just halve the pomegranate, then hold it over a bowl and tap the back of the fruit with a spoon. The seeds pop right out. But ypu still have to scrape some to get them all.
We received something similar free with a purchase a couple of months ago but it didn't include instructions.

Actually it is nowhere near similar. I just had a look.

[Edit: add image]

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As kids we used to eat them with pins - took forever. As I got older I would quarter them then bend back the skin and take the seeds out in bunches.
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