
Gotta check that one
Remember I am not a native English speaker ;)
I won’t spoil it for you, but the definition can lead you to other fun words.

I distinctly remember learning the word in 6th grade (11yo) because our teacher explained the meaning of the word, and then we got to sit there and write out as many words as we could think of that fit the definition.

On second thought, that sounds like the kind of schoolwork you give your class when you’re hungover. :laugh:
I am but live in Georgia! I'm not looking either of those up; nobody else would know what they meant! 🤣
Sometimes, surrounded by colonial English speakers and Zambian English speakers, I wonder.....
You all know a table, so vegetables are vege-tables.
To "serve a summons or notice" is to "save a notice/summons" and plenty plenty more.
Add onto this that Zambians can't hear the difference between a "r" and a "l" and you can imagine some of the confusions we get
Cloudy - crowdy
Load. - road
It means a filthy slobbering person. I’ve only used it once and the man in question really was truly awful.
Unfortunately as I muttered it under my breath as he walked away someone I was at a dog show with caught it and asked what it meant.
They laughed a lot and from that day on he was always referred to by everyone as The Slubberdegullion 😬
Fortunately he showed Dandie Dinmonts so we hardly ever bumped into each other.

Good word though, evocative.
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