Your Photos (2017-2024)

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Just had my first snorkelling summer session

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How was it - and, if you don't mind my asking, where were you snorkeling ? Would love to see more pics of your snorkeling adventures 😀😀

I don’t mind at all 😊
As first snorkelling of summer, it was quite nice, so peaceful, very few people and lots of fish in the sea.
I’m on Tirrenian sea, between Tuscany and Lazio
I don’t mind at all 😊
As first snorkelling of summer, it was quite nice, so peaceful, very few people and lots of fish in the sea.
I’m on Tirrenian sea, between Tuscany and Lazio
Wow!!! I just used the Google to search pictures of the area. It is simply stunning! I imagine it is very relaxing to snorkel in those blue waters along the beautiful coastline. Please post more pics if you go again. 😉

I live close to one of the Great Lakes in the US but, it is a shallow eutrophic lake and the clarity varies by season and temperature. Summer time usually brings algae blooms which make for not so great diving /snorkeling.

Hope you go again and have fun!
South coast of Cyprus. Currently, they require a negative test result taken within 72 hours prior to boarding the plane. Fair enough, but our flight time has been brought forward to 09:00 on a Wednesday morning. Up to £500 for private covid tests with results averaging 24-48 hours, testing not available on Sunday's means we may not be able to board if the test results arrive after 48 hours. The next available flight would make the tests more than 72 hours old, so back to the start. The airline, even though they changed our flight time want to charge a small fortune to put the flight time forward by a day to give us a realistic change of getting the results in time. Grrrr.

However, in the overall scheme of things, others have far bigger problems.
It's annoying isn't it, I'm meant to fly in Sept to spain but can't if 2 weeks quarantine is still in place.
My hotel has shut down now to😔 been going there every year for 10 years 😥.
Some say to me about travelling being risky but I think I have more risk in my local supermarket.
So many shoppers didn't have a mask on today & 1 staff member took hers off as she walked by me, another had his pulled down to his chin while serving people 🙈.
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