Your Photos (2017-2024)

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The family of the infamous brothers ?
Yes, the infamous brothers.

Rumour has it that they have had a bit of a tiff with each other recently and are living in separate areas of their castle.

From all accounts they initially did a lot of good on Sark, pumping a fair bit of money into the economy, but the more money they pumped in the more they wanted to change things to what they wanted, which in some ways is understandable.

They got the hump with the Seigneur, tried to buy him out and at one point tried to legally remove him. But this meant overturning ancient royal charters, basically going up against Her Maj, and despite their £kazillions there was only one way that was gonna play out.

They did however successfully pursue a case to change Sark's government, the Chief Pleas, from a feudal, landowner based system to a democratically elected Chief Pleas.

In the very first election they put up a good number of their own candidates, I assume so that they would be able to have more input on how things are run once they had their peeps elected as the Senechal and Conseillers.
In a quite marvellous display of stubbornness the Sarkees failed to elect any of their stooges.
The morning after the election they shut down several of the businesses they had supported saying that it had nothing to do with the election result, but I'm pretty sure that sometimes if it walks like a duck...
The small car park at the end of our street springs a few surprises. In spring and summer, the trees abound with goldfinches and we've seen migrant thrushes like redwings and fieldfares raiding berries. We also get a variety of wild flowers and these are very pretty, I thought. I think that they are a species of daisy. Any botanists out there?


The small car park at the end of our street springs a few surprises. In spring and summer, the trees abound with goldfinches and we've seen migrant thrushes like redwings and fieldfares raiding berries. We also get a variety of wild flowers and these are very pretty, I thought. I think that they are a species of daisy. Any botanists out there?

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I'd say they are African Daisies and are probably an escapee from a garden rather than a wild flower.
wild flowers?
Wildflower botanically is not a specific enough term. So the answer in the context of your question is yes, simple because no person cultivated them.
Verbena stricta or Hoary vervain is a wildflower, you can buy the seeds. If you plant it in your garden and cultivate it, Is it a wildflower ?
If flowers are growing wild, does that not make them wild flowers?

Yes, in a way. I don't think they would be regarded as indigenous plants by botanists. On the other hand it could be argued that many many species of naturally occurring plants in the UK were originally brought from elsewhere and they colonised and naturalised. Where do you draw the line? I'm not a botanist so I'm unsure. :scratchhead:
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