Your Photos (2017-2024)

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Apparently they do, but they are slow and expensive to raise for meat.

What Does Alpaca Meat Taste Like? — Farm & Animals

In the UK they aren't widely farmed for wool, they are often kept with sheep herds because they see off foxes or other predators - basically big cuddly security guards
I think they are a lot smarter than sheep. And I bet they smell better, too. But I bet some alpaca rib chops would be mighty tasty, though.
In the UK they aren't widely farmed for wool, they are often kept with sheep herds because they see off foxes or other predators - basically big cuddly security guards

Alpacas and Llamas are placed with sheep and goats here, too, because they are mean, and the females are very protective of the sheep and goats. They sort of adopt them.

The basil plant didn't stand much chance against these 2.


Sunset from one night last week, it was a hell of a transition as a front started moving through. Had to pull over and get the drone up.

How it started:
View attachment 80201Fairfax City Sunset by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr

How it was 15min later:
View attachment 80202Fairfax City Sunset by Jono Kenyon, on Flickr

I have a big collection of sky and cloud photos that I keep to photoshop into backgrounds for photos taken on days with ugly skies. This one is one of my favorites. It was taken about a block North of my house, over the Brinkmann Ranch.


Here is an example of a cloud shot I Photoshopped into a background. I shot this car on a very grey, overcast day. I felt the sky didn't go with the car, so I put storm clouds in the background. BTW, that ugly steel building in the photo is the building where this legendary car was created. The car was taken out of a museum for one day for me to shoot it. I chose that location for historical reasons.


Chaparral 2E.jpg

There are days when you have to do a double take. This one was one I called my hubby over for as well. My vehicle is usually home to the flock of chooks because of its height etc. And we have 6 chicks at present, about the same size, just not these 6 chicks!


These are Australian wood duck chicks (they roost in trees at night).
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