Your Photos (2017-2024)

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Google translate is terrible. When I coached a Little League baseball team whose parents were mostly Dominican and Polish immigrants with very little English, I would send out the texts for the team (practice times, game lications, etc.) in English, then use Google translate to sendvthem out again in Soanish and Polish.

While they appreciated the effort, a number of parents would chuckle and correct my terrible use of their language.
Google translate is terrible. When I coached a Little League baseball team whose parents were mostly Dominican and Polish immigrants with very little English, I would send out the texts for the team (practice times, game lications, etc.) in English, then use Google translate to sendvthem out again in Soanish and Polish.

While they appreciated the effort, a number of parents would chuckle and correct my terrible use of their language.
Oh I didn't realise this! I did wonder though....

For some reason, it brings to mind the Monty Python sketch where a tourist uses a translation dictionary. It has such useful phrases as "my hovercraft is full of jellied eels"
Google translate is terrible. When I coached a Little League baseball team whose parents were mostly Dominican and Polish immigrants with very little English, I would send out the texts for the team (practice times, game lications, etc.) in English, then use Google translate to sendvthem out again in Soanish and Polish.

While they appreciated the effort, a number of parents would chuckle and correct my terrible use of their language.

I think it's a good thing when someone correct my written and spoken English (obviously, depending on how they do), it's also a good manner to improve a foreign language, learn slang, etc. But Google translate sometimes could create diplomatic accidents :giggle:...I also use sometimes word reference, not bad. The tragedy is when you use both G.T. and W.R.: "who's right??!":laugh:
Thanks Yorky! :okay: It provided a much needed laugh to my difficult day. I had forgotten how good that sketch was!
I use Google a lot....but please.....Google translate....a disaster! :banghead:
I get many books from Amazon and it is obvious when the author has just run it through Google translate.

Though the funniest line in a book was "the herd of staffs at the hotel greeted me warmly." What the author meant was "the entire staff was glad to see him again".
That wasn't the only error. It took me half an hour to proofread the first page. Then I gave up and recommended he go take English as a second language course.
I get many books from Amazon and it is obvious when the author has just run it through Google translate.

Though the funniest line in a book was "the herd of staffs at the hotel greeted me warmly." What the author meant was "the entire staff was glad to see him again".
That wasn't the only error. It took me half an hour to proofread the first page. Then I gave up and recommended he go take English as a second language course.

Where is he from?
Where is he from?
He was from Vietnam.
He had heard rumors that a certain type of book was easy to write and that the readers would buy any book of that very broad genre.
He asked me to look at his book because it wasn't selling at all.
Maybe they were referring to an illustrated book and he understood badly? :laugh:
Nope not illustrated. How to phrase this politely. He had heard from numerous people that sex sells and the writing really doesn't matter as long as there are plenty of completions.
That genre.
Just wanted to share my latest project
I get many books from Amazon and it is obvious when the author has just run it through Google translate.

You are lucky. I cannot buy books from Amazon so I need to illegally download them from the net.

"Due to copyright restrictions, the Kindle title you're trying to purchase is not available in your country: Thailand."
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