Your Photos (2017-2024)

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A bit more urban birdwatching. Our local library is more or less in the middle of the high street in our town. For the last few years, we've had house martins nesting there and some duly arrived this week. You can just about make out the head of one poking from this nest.

Ladybirds have quite a good defence as they have chemicals that deter a lot of predators, hence the bright warning colour. Some birds are immune to this, notably swifts and swallows (and those house martins). There are some spiders that prey on them, along with some of the larger beetles .
Did the Fairy Door walk last weekend, a local pottery firm has pasted ceramic 'fairy doors' in several places round the island and children have to find them and then write down the answers to the various questions on a sheet of paper. They then take the sheet of paper into the local museum and receive a prize

The Creux e Fees, local folklore regarded it as the gateway to the underworld, it's name means Cave of the fairies. It's obviously a prehistoric dolmen.
In the 19th century it got filled in by the commander of the militia in that area as his men would take naughty women and drink up there and do naughty things.

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We had an extraordinary sky last night. The best I can describe it was that we had a lot of flickering and flashing orange light. This photo was taken at about twenty to eleven and the light show lasted over an hour.

This was some two hours after sunset, but the light must have been caused by the sun as we are looking in a westerly direction from the house. Not quite the Northern Lights, but it was some spectacle.

Did the Fairy Door walk last weekend, a local pottery firm has pasted ceramic 'fairy doors' in several places round the island and children have to find them and then write down the answers to the various questions on a sheet of paper. They then take the sheet of paper into the local museum and receive a prize

Looks like a delightful trail. I hope the kids enjoyed it.
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