Your Photos (2017-2024)

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Yes it is - it doesn't look too well. I have enormous problems growing mint - which is supposed to be the easiest of all herbs to grow!
Mint needs a lot of water .it's actually a marshland plant. Growing it in a pot which is inherently dry is why you have so many issues. Worst still is in a ceramic pot which are even worse for drying plants or and leaving them with warm roots in hot dry baked soil.... Get a plastic tub of bucket with plenty of space for the pot to sit in between it and the sides, so not a tight fit and keep it at the very minimum moist if not standing in an inch of water whilst it is in its growing phase. Then you'll have no issues. Remember marshland conditions and mimic them where you can. It's why something like an old sink (which is what I used) with the plug home filled in permanently works do well for mint . It's roots can't escape as easily stopping it taking over and it holds the water in keeping is roots cool and wet.
Mint needs a lot of water .it's actually a marshland plant. Growing it in a pot which is inherently dry is why you have so many issues. Worst still is in a ceramic pot which are even worse for drying plants or and leaving them with warm roots in hot dry baked soil

OK, thanks - maybe that's the issue but I've had problems growing it in open ground here too. I do water the pots. But I'll try your suggestion.
OK, thanks - maybe that's the issue but I've had problems growing it in open ground here too. I do water the pots. But I'll try your suggestion.
It does like fertile ground and plenty of light as well .so fresh compost wouldn't go a miss of its getting repotted. I see your pot didn't survive the winter frosts !
I find the root takes over in pots, I grew some for mint sauce I make. Only good for 1 year as it killed itself, wife planted 2 plants down the side of the dampest side of the house, I picked some the other day, it's healthy as.

I find the root takes over in pots, I grew some for mint sauce I make. Only good for 1 year as it killed itself, wife planted 2 plants down the side of the dampest side of the house, I picked some the other day, it's healthy as.

I did the sink thing. 3 different mints in the same kitchen sink. Was better second year . Can't comment on third because we moved house but I brought a clump with me and is been fine here. Straight into the ground because the own already had that problem. Lives where the down pipe is broken and loves it !
Another stunning sunset (last one was a sunrise ). Luckily it is that time of year and we have a good amount of cloud around . Only took 51 pictures though! I'm slacking. :laugh:
In no particular order







This one is my favourite (above )


That last attempt before lights out.
I spent some of the weekend re-organising my Thailand Skies web page after the Coppermine application went to ratshit. It's a bit plain but adequate I think.

Great site Yorky, took me back to my time there. Is that your house and did you actually have hands on work on the build. I can appreciate the work as I built my second story with my builder friend. I was the work horse, my son carried most of the wood etc around the place.

Great site Yorky, took me back to my time there. Is that your house and did you actually have hands on work on the build. I can appreciate the work as I built my second story with my builder friend. I was the work horse, my son carried most of the wood etc around the place.


I supervised the building (I did a bit when I was much younger). As I was the only member of the team with a vehicle (I bought an old pick-up specially) it was also my job to collect materials that weren't being delivered.
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