Legendary Member
I used to dye my hair a lot in my younger days, any colour from blonde to black! About15 years ago I stuck to dark brown except for a few of the blonde bits and a white stripe I had which refused to change colour. One of the consultants where I worked said I should have dyed it pink (as in Pink, in the days when she had pink and blonde hair), but I didn't have the nerve.I've been dying my hair for so long I'm not sure what percentage is grey. Most of it I suspect. It was originally brown. Grey hair would not suit me at all.
My daughter first bleached her hair when she was still at school. It looked lovely. Later she decided to dye it black, but, as it was over bleached hair, it went purple. It was another gorgeous colour. The school did not complain at all, but the owner of the teenage fashion store where she had a Saturday job sacked her on the spot!