
Food is any substance consumed to provide nutritional support for an organism. It is usually of plant or animal origin, and contains essential nutrients, such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, or minerals. The substance is ingested by an organism and assimilated by the organism's cells to provide energy, maintain life, or stimulate growth.
Historically, humans secured food through two methods: hunting and gathering and agriculture. Today, the majority of the food energy required by the ever increasing population of the world is supplied by the food industry.
Food safety and food security are monitored by agencies like the International Association for Food Protection, World Resources Institute, World Food Programme, Food and Agriculture Organization, and International Food Information Council. They address issues such as sustainability, biological diversity, climate change, nutritional economics, population growth, water supply, and access to food.
The right to food is a human right derived from the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), recognizing the "right to an adequate standard of living, including adequate food", as well as the "fundamental right to be free from hunger".

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  1. JAS_OH1

    What take-out food have you scored well on?

    Menu - O'Charley's Restaurant & Bar During the height of the pandemic when many restaurants in the US were only offering carryout or delivery, some restaurants were selling gift certificates online for a discount just so they could stay afloat. There is a restaurant chain here called...
  2. flyinglentris

    What is the most un-appetizing food presentation you have ever come across?

    It might be the ugliest, the smelliest, the most offensive or the most something else. What food presentation have you come across that has really turned your stomach, just being there to see it? Did you have to sit down to table for it?
  3. vernplum

    Unfortunately-named food products. Go!

    Here's something I saw in Tesco supermarket in the UK. I'm sure it's delicious, but...
  4. A

    Frozen food when defrosting a freezer

    I had to defrost my freezer, so it was switched off and open for about 90 minutes. I put the quorn in the fridge to minimise cooling. I had some quorn and frozen vegetables and frozen tomato sauce in there. Will they be OK? How long can quorn and frozen veg be out the freezer before I should...
  5. M

    Shortages & inflation-are you stocking up?

    Over here (in Japan) they announce on the news what's going up in price and by how much and when. Myself, I'm a bit of a food hoarder -- trust me, during the zombie apocalypse you'll fatten up if your holed up with me -- so I'm VERY well stocked atm, and I'm glad. The price of flour has already...
  6. Sembie

    How are you with spicy food? Very spicy?

    I am curious how is the culture of spicy food all over the world. As it's known that Indian, Mexican, Hungarian, Thai, etc cuisine is famous for its spicy taste. How about in other countries?
  7. G

    Looking for US style birthday food ideas

    My daughter’s birthday party is soon, and we intend to make it in US style. She is turning 5 years old. Can you recommend some simple food ideas and recipes that you used yourself?
  8. Dive Bar Casanova

    Plant Based Fast Food

    Tried Carls jr Beyond Meat Burger twice this month and Burger Kings Impossible Whopper twice too. Both good but the Beyond Meat burger has that awful aroma. Here on the West Coast the Impossible Burger is $8 US. East Coast about $5 US. I've cooked Beyond Meat in the house and the aftermath is...
  9. detroitdad

    Is there a Food That You Don't Like, But Think You Should

    I know, a long subject title, but oh well. There is one food that I don't really care for. I feel like I should because there is so much that you can do with it. That is Mushrooms!!! About 3 months ago I decided I was going to train my taste buds to like them. I've started cooking with them...
  10. WhatsCookingMama

    Food waste

    What are your thoughts on food waste? The last 5 years or so I made the effort to get creative using up leftovers. In addition to using ingredients in creative ways. These past 3 years I have gotten very serious about using the whole ingredient. For example, we love to eat apples and make...
  11. avon2p

    Recipe Stir-fried Mussels - Vietnamese Food

    Ingredients: 3 lbs - Mussels 1/2 cup - shallot (sliced) 2 tbsp - ginger (sliced) 4 - chili peppers scallion (minced) Vietnamese coriander (minced) Fish sauce, annatto powder, mononatri glutamat, pepper powder Seasoning powder (a mixture of salt, sugar, meat powder, cassava powder, garlic...
  12. Lucian Hodoboc

    Food in literature

    Besides cooking books, many of us enjoy reading novels occasionally, right? Let's talk about food in fictional literature. Which novels or short stories stuck with you because the author included passages related to food, cooking or anything from the culinary arts? I'll start off this thread by...
  13. Duck59

    Long distance food - why?

    I bought some onions at the local Co-op the other day. Normally, we buy loose onions, but they didn't have any, so I just grabbed a bag of three. I didn't look at the label until I got home and then saw that they emanated from New Zealand. Why on Earth are the Co-op sourcing onions from the...
  14. Elawin

    Confusion about British Food

    A lot of people seem to be confused about the different names dishes have in the UK compared to other parts of the world, particularly the USA. Maybe this bit of light entertainment would help to clear things up :laugh:
  15. epicuric

    Interesting food items from discount stores

    Has anyone else discovered the delights of the discount store? In fairness, most of what they sell is fairly rubbish, and cheap for a reason, but sometimes they sell interesting and unusual products that simply didn't catch on in mainstream supermarkets. We happened to be walking past a...
  16. CraigC

    When Food Attacks!

    Wild Turkeys in Cambridge, Mass.
  17. Morning Glory

    Food Colouring

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  18. TodayInTheKitchen

    National Food Holidays

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  19. MrsDangermouse

    Food on the go

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  20. SatNavSaysStraightOn

    The News in food

    Not food in the news but the news in food. Ok, it's a bad pun, but the Guardian newspaper is now using potato starch instead of polyethylene wrappers to wrap the supplements in at the weekend. Progress finally from an environmental point of view.
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