2024 July 4th Plans


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
9:11 PM
Ohio, US
July 4th is (no surprise) a huge cookout/barbecue/grilling out day (whatever it’s called where you live) in the US, with lots of outside-friendly picnic foods and large gatherings of families and friends, capped off with fireworks galore in the evening (for several evenings around here, anyway).

For those who celebrate it, what’s your menu, and what’re your plans?

We’re keeping it simple with:

Raw vegetables, chips/crisps, and dip
Deviled eggs
Summery cocktails and beer
Coney dogs
Macaroni salad
Apple pie

No family or friends, though…just us.

Anyone else?
Why's that?
Because he's visiting the USA and that's what we do! Well sometimes there is pork and/or chicken involved, too, but burgers on the outdoor grill are standard 4th of July food for a lot of people. I like ribs better, personally. And some fried chicken. Burgers are good depending on who is cooking them and the grind of beef used.
I love weather when it's warm/hot, and the humidity never seems to bother me.
What I don't like is 16/17C, grey skies and drizzle, with a north wind :D
I hear you!
Grey skies & drizzle & low temps....
Hate it
I can do temps below 0 oC as long as the sky is blue and the sun is shining
We do mention 4th of July, at least in the foreign/international news, as well as 14th July for France...
On that day my coworkers and I are attending an all day long education on Educating children with challenges.

The local burgers gave me stomachache, so I never went back to the bar for months, but I might create a snack to honour my dear American friends from this forum.😊😊❤️💙

Love it. So American.

My plans are 5 fish courses aka Tasty’s Nightmare menu 😆
Let me take you back in time…Boston, Mass, 1776, where one of my ancestors has just happened upon a friend not long from The Mother Country:

“What cheer, good sir!”
“Indeed, friend Tasty! Would thou carest to partake in my midday buffet?”
“Yea, heartily, and good be upon you for the offer! What have we upon which to sup?”
“Hmmmm…my fine and sturdy goodwife, newly arrived from dear England, has packed a glorious feast of kippers, bloater paste, jellied eels, potted shrimp, and…oh yes, rollmop herrings! What say you to that?!”
“Yeah, um…we need a new country, Bub. To arms!”

Why's that?
My son is a caveman. He eats meat, meat, meat, meat, chicken, and meat.
Last time I was here I wrote down a list of vegetables so I'd know what they'd like and not like. The only thing they didn't say "NO" to was okra, probably because they didn't know what it was.
I love weather when it's warm/hot, and the humidity never seems to bother me.
What I don't like is 16/17C, grey skies and drizzle, with a north wind :D
Yeah, I live in NE Ohio and it's not raining and it's not windy up here today, just a light breeze. The sun has been coming in and out from behind the clouds. I like this 75F-85F/24C-30C this past week so much better than the nasty 95F/35C weather we had the week before!
Canada Day is on July 1st, so we’ve already celebrated at the cottage with family. We had martinis as a before-dinner cocktail, bbq’d ribs, potato salad, asparagus with lemon-mustard sauce, and a good red wine.

Dessert was this gorgeous chocolate pavlova my dad made with whipped cream and raspberries my brother grew in his garden.
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