Are there foods you used to hate that you like now? What changed?

Fruitcake I can handle.
I think.
I might even be acting like one occassionally :)
Not sure though if the fruitcake I know is the same as the ones you are taking about
I definitely act a little nutty sometimes, not sure about the fruity thing, but I think the fruitcake has both in it! I was too traumatized by it to remember exactly. The expectations of a child when they are offered cake is not that abomination.

But the fruitcake my mom used was this horrible dense brown thing with lots of preserved fruits in it and I think it had alcohol in it as well (which isn't a bad thing, her rum pound cakes were delicious). In fact, she would buy the fruits on sale after the holidays to use the following year. I remember when she passed away we found a bunch of those fruits in her pantry even though she hadn't baked one in years. Still edible, probably.
Tortuga rum cakes!

Actually, the reason fruit cakes used to last so long back in the day before all the chemical preservatives were around was alcohol, which acted as a preservative.

My mother and I used to make fruitcake for my grandfather as my Christmas present to him once I got old enough to bake. We started around 2 months before. Other than black walnuts and Bourbon, I don't remember what was in it but it wasn't those neon colored fruits. It was some kind of fruit he particularly liked, dates or figs maybe? Anyway, it got Bourbon poured on it while still warm from the oven, then a little more each week, wrapped up well while aging. He was a pastor and didn't drink, but he sure liked that boozy fruitcake.
I suppose I can conclude that what I know as a fruit cake is just a little different
I'm glad you were able to get clarification on that in case you wanted someone to send you one at Christmas...
Tortuga rum cakes!

Actually, the reason fruit cakes used to last so long back in the day before all the chemical preservatives were around was alcohol, which acted as a preservative.

My mother and I used to make fruitcake for my grandfather as my Christmas present to him once I got old enough to bake. We started around 2 months before. Other than black walnuts and Bourbon, I don't remember what was in it but it wasn't those neon colored fruits. It was some kind of fruit he particularly liked, dates or figs maybe? Anyway, it got Bourbon poured on it while still warm from the oven, then a little more each week, wrapped up well while aging. He was a pastor and didn't drink, but he sure liked that boozy fruitcake.
That sounds pretty good, actually. Yes, my dearly departed mother was using neon colored dried fruits in hers.
Can’t think of anything, apart from peas and some school puddings I think I eat pretty much everything (coeliac nonsense aside) but there are a few things I dislike and they’ve never really changed. That generally has to do with the way it’s cooked not the ingredient.

But it will be a cold day in hell before I ever eat frozen (then boiled) mixed veg again… shudder.

With regards to frozen mixed the moment that is how I am getting veg I to my diet, no point buying fresh as it would go over before finished. Not ideal but it will have to do for now.
With regards to frozen mixed the moment that is how I am getting veg I to my diet, no point buying fresh as it would go over before finished. Not ideal but it will have to do for now.

I’m sure we can’t be talking about the same thing? 😱

Being forced to eat it as a child I just can’t imagine it ever being good?
I don’t mind other frozen veg, edamame beans, spinach, green beans, sweetcorn and even brussel sprouts (for brussel sprout mash) are all fine by me but mixed veg.. oh dear the thought brought a little bit of sick back up 😂
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