Are there foods you used to hate that you like now? What changed?

I’m sure we can’t be talking about the same thing? 😱
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Being forced to eat it as a child I just can’t imagine it ever being good?
I don’t mind other frozen veg, edamame beans, spinach, green beans, sweetcorn and even brussel sprouts (for brussel sprout mash) are all fine by me but mixed veg.. oh dear the thought brought a little bit of sick back up 😂
We have those as well. They're much much better than the stuff from the 70's and 80's.
although I don't think I've ever had them roasted
I prefer them roasted. That's how I had them this week with one of my salads. Prep as usual, helps to put the cross through the stem and about ⅓ to ½ way through, toss with a little oil, s&p and into the airfryer for 10-12 minutes.
I prefer them roasted. That's how I had them this week with one of my salads. Prep as usual, helps to put the cross through the stem and about ⅓ to ½ way through, toss with a little oil, s&p and into the airfryer for 10-12 minutes.
‘Karadekoolaid’ and ‘aifryer’ in the same sentence. Hope you have enough credit in the bank to risk putting those words together 😂
We don't typically peel the leaves off brussel sprouts. They're eaten as is, whole. I will take 2 outer leaves off but that's it. I've never eaten them peeled as you do them.
Would you call those ‘chips’ though?
I think Medtran is referring to making crisps by frying the individual leaves in oil 🤷‍♀️
I won’t be finding out 😂
‘Karadekoolaid’ and ‘aifryer’ in the same sentence
I've got some Brussels sprouts in the freezer. I may just put a few in my wife's hair flyer, crank it up to 500C and leave it on for an hour or two :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:
Prep as usual, helps to put the cross through the stem and about ⅓ to ½ way through,
Now there's something I stopped doing years and years ago. Like you, I only take off the really scruffy leaves outside; but I don't cut a cross in the base. I've never noticed a huge difference, cross or no cross.
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